Polytechnic Admission Circular 2023 Diploma in Engineering Admission Circular. Technical Admission Circular 2023. Finally, Polytechnic Admission Circular 2023 is now open. As it is also known as Diploma Engineering Admission in Bangladesh. Moreover, people also call it the BTEB admission circular 2023. So you can apply for the Polytechnic Admission circular 2023 from here. As the circular was initially published on the official website of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board. In addition, the circular and application system are available here at www.jobbd.net.Polytechnic Admission Result 2023 diploma Engineering. Bangladesh Technical Education Board can Publish Poly Technical Admission Notice 2023 once Publish SSC Result 2023. board of directors of Technical Education credentials Engineering tech Admission Circular and see 2023-19 can Publish at www.btebadmission.gov.bd website. All Students can need to apply online and pay admission fees through mobile SMS. Moreover, all information is available in the post below. So read it carefully.
Polytechnic Admission Circular 2023 Diploma in Engineering
During this time Polytechnic Admission Circular 2023 is open. So you can apply for it from here. First, read the whole circular. Check your eligibility. If you find yourself eligible. Now prepare to apply. Finally, proceed to submit your application. Diploma Engineering Polytechnic Admission system 2(Two) categories, 1st Shift, and 2nd Shift Batch Admission. After a complete 1st shift admission, then the 2nd shift will start. The Authority of Directorate of Technical Education Published 2(Two) Admission Circular 2023. Polytechnic 1st Shift Admission Circular 2023 and Polytechnic 2nd Shift Admission Circular 2023 were also published in this post. Interested Students Apply Within the Deadline. Polytechnic Admission Result 2023.
As you have to submit your application within 13 May 2023- 05 June 2023. To submit your application on time.
Details Of Polytechnic Admission Notice 2023
HSC admission is going all over the country. So Bangladesh Technical Education Board Also Published Polytechnic Admission Notice 2023. If you are looking for it. You are right on the track.SSC/equivalent in 2015, 2016, and 2023, they are eligible for diploma admission in 2023. All Students must have a GPA of 3.5 overall and a GPA of 3.0 in Mathematics. Moreover, Candidates can apply online through an SMS system. Also, Applicants can apply online official website www.techedu.gov.bd.
Download Full Circular

How To Apply for Polytechnic Admission 2023 By SMS:
At First, Students must pay a fee of 150 takes 24 hours before online application. Application Fee paid by Teletalk Mobile. The instruction process is given below-
Go to Mobile Message type: DTE <space> 1st 3 Letter of your SSC Pass Board <space> SSC Roll <space> SSC Passing Year <space> SSC Reg No <space> Shift and Send 16222
Step 1: At First, You Have to Pay the Admission Fee of Tk. 150/- with Only Teletalk Prepaid Mobile:
Go to Message type: BTAD <space> 1st 3 Letter of your SSC Exam Board <Space> SSC Roll <Space> SSC Exam Year <Space> SSC Reg No <Space> Shift and Send 16222
BTAD < Space > XXX < Space > YYYYYY <Space> ZZZZ < Space > RRRRRR < Space > A or B and Send 16222
Example: BTAD DHA 123456 2014 2345123456 A and send 16222
You, Will, get a return Massage with Pin Number, Fathers and Mothers Name and Shift Confirmation pay to the fee. Then You have to send another Message to Complete your application. BTAD Space years space Pin Number and your Mobile Number (any Operator) and send 16222
BTAD <Space>YES<Space>123345<Space>O1596342244 and Send 16222
Example: BTAD YES 123455 O159634223344 and send 16222
The applicant will get a message along with the Money receipt. You Must Keep the Money Receipt Number for Further Query.
Replay Message sends Applicant Money Receipt Number for Further Query.
Online Application Form Fill Up :
Visit the Directorate of Technical Education Diploma Poly Technical Admission website www.techedu.gov.bd Home Page. Then Click here Online Admission (First Shift) button and Open Application Form. Full up the Application form and Click Submit.
Final Polytechnic Admission Fee Pay Process:
To Complete the Result, Selection then Final Admission students have to Pay the Admission Fee by SMS via Teletalk Mobile. Total Admission Fee 1125 Taka. The SMS Process has given below-
1st SMS: DTAD <Space> Tracking ID and Send 16222
Example: DTAD 4684448260422 and send 16222
Replay Massage sends Pin Number, Your Name, Fee, and Institute Name. Then You have to send another Massage to Complete your Admission.
2nd SMS: DTAD <Space> YES <Space> Pin Number <Space> Contact Phone Number and send 16222
DTAD <Space> YES <Space> 123345 <Space> O17………….. and Send 16222
Polytechnic Admission Result 2023
Diploma Engineering Polytechnic Admission Result 2023. After a Complete Online application process, then publish Poly Technic Admission Result 2023. Admission Result publishes 3 steps, 1st Admission Result, 2nd 1st Merit list and 2nd Merit list, 3rd Waiting List or Result Will be Published Based on SSC Result. In addition, Diploma Polytechnic Admission Result 2023 Will Publish 16 June 2023. Poly Technical Admission Result Will be found on the Online official website www.techedu.gov.bd. Admission Result sends to your mobile phone by SMS. Moreover, you will also get your result from our site www.jobbd.net.
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