JSC Board Challenge Apply 2019. JSC Board Challenge Process JSC Board Challenge 2020. How to apply for JSC Board/Khata/Rescrutiny Process. As it is also known as JSC Khata Challenge or JSC Result Rescrutiny Application Process 2019.If you want to apply for JSC Board Challenge 2019. First, read the whole post very carefully. If you want the JSC Board Challenge 2019. You are in the right place. Because we are publishing JSC Board Challenge 2019 info. So we are providing all the information about JSC Rescrutiny 2019. Rescrutiny 2019 is available JSC result 2019 has published. As we know that all the students can not apply for JSC Board Challenge 2019.
JSC Board Challenge Apply 2019
During this time JSC Board Challenge 2019 is now open. If you want to apply for JSC Rescrutiny 2019 you are in the right place. As we are publishing all the pieces of information. So read the post fully and most importantly caring. Learn how to apply for JSC Rescrutiny 2019. First, check your eligibility to apply. If you find that you are eligible to apply. Then select which subject you want to apply. If you complete selecting your subject then proceed to apply. As you know The Rescrutiny process is also known as “Board Challenge” or “Khata Challenge” method. In addition, JSC Rescrutiny Result 2019 or JSC Rescrutiny Result 2019 or JSC Khata Challenge Result 2019 will be available after the JSC result.
JSC Result Rescrutiny Process 2019
Since the JSC result 2019 published. Many students are not happy. Moreover, the Guardians are also unhappy with the result. As they are showing their depression and anger. So most of them are thinking about challenging their result. As we know the JSC Rescrutiny process is now open.If you want to apply. You are in the right place. So sit tight. This Year Around 2 Lakhs 66 Thousand and 340 Students Apply For Khata Challenge. All Record Bread From Previous Year. Every Year, Huge Number Students Don’t Get Their Desire Marksheet. So, Many Students Want To Make Challenge For Result. The Rescrutiny process is also known as “Board Challenge” or “Khata Challenge” method. First, read the process to apply.
JSC Khata Challenge 2019
If you are looking for JSC Khata Challenge 2019. You are on the right track. As it is fully available here. If you want to Board Rescrutiny about Your JSC Result 2019, You need to follow the Re-Scrutiny Program. With this System, You will able to Re-check your Answer Sheet again by the desire Examiner. The Re-Scrutiny program will start after One (1) days of Publishing the Result. As you want to Apply for Re-checking the JSC Answer Sheet. So Simply Follow The Post. Here all the process are available. So read it carefully. Learn the system to apply. Finally, proceed to submit your application.
How To Apply For JSC Board Challenge 2019
Finally, we are on the spot. Now it’s time to see the application process. So all applicants get ready. As we know. All the students have to submit their application via SMS. You need a Teletalk Prepaid Sim. Recharge your SIM with a sufficient amount.
Everyone Has to Send the SMS From Teletalk Prepaid SIM Card. You have to send the SMS like this……
RSC <Space> First three Letter of Board Name < Space> Roll Number <Space>Subject code(such as 102) and Send 16222
EXAMPLE: RSC DHA 145663 101 and SEND 16222
If you want to apply for more than one subject. Then add the Code Number using Comma. Such as 101,102.If the SMS successfully send. You will receive a reply SMS. In that Message, you will receive a PIN Number.
Then you have to send another SMS. Here is the format for sending the second.
Rescrutiny Start: 1st January 2020
Rescrutiny End: 07th January 2020
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JSC Board Challenge Result 2019
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